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Setting New Year Intentions

Written by Nat Louis

As we enter the New Year, it can feel like there’s a lot of pressure to make vast changes, set resolutions, or implement new habits.

It can be overwhelming, leaving people feeling like they’re falling short before they’ve even begun. This year, instead of striving for perfection, we want to take some time to embrace the small, meaningful changes that prioritise both your physical and mental wellbeing.

Our spa team have noted some of their best ways to prioritise your wellbeing as we move through this transitional period.


Amidst the festivities and excitement, it’s easy to lose your routine and your sleep can be equally affected by this. Less sleep, or poor-quality sleep can leave you more susceptible to hunger, feeling less creative and lead to burnout.

Preparation for a restful night’s sleep begins in the morning. By exposing yourself to natural light when you first wake up, you can set a chain of actions that’ll give you a great night’s sleep by bedtime. ‘Morning light’ resets your circadian rhythm (your internal body clock) and leads to better alignment of your sleep-wake cycle.

By exposing yourself to bright light, you suppress melatonin (sleepy hormone) levels and stimulate your body to produce more serotonin (happy hormone). The combination of these two hormone changes mean you can have a more productive day to be satisfied and ready for a great sleep.

These changes have been shown to make a change with as little as 20–30 minutes of natural light within an hour of waking up, boosting your mood, sleep and performance during the day.

Being Present

In today's world, it can be easy to think you’re being present when you spend time with friends, family, or loved ones. However, being truly present comes from having nothing in your mind but the task, or situation at hand.

One way you can do this is by using your non-dominant hand for daily tasks. For example, when you brush your teeth, try swapping hands. The unnatural feeling will force you to be present in that moment, focusing on the strange feeling of using your non-dominant hand for a usually mundane task. You may just notice your brain’s ability to race through multiple thoughts is reduced.

Another way to stay present is to take a barefoot walk. Once a common practice for humans, barefoot walking has recently resurfaced as a popular trend for many people prioritising their wellbeing. When you walk barefoot you become conscious of your foot placement, stride length, even the way in which you place your heel down first becomes a conscious movement. You become so grounded and focused on the earth beneath you, your mind no longer wanders to the daily stressors and difficulties and instead becomes intensely present.


They say laughter is the best medicine. The release of dopamine from belly laughing with friends or loved ones enhances a feeling of belonging as well as reducing stress hormones like cortisol. Laughing sends signals to the brain that boost mood and energy, creating a cycle of pleasure and dopamine production.

This can be easier said than done, however a few tips may help reintroduce more laughter to your life.

  • Watching comedy – find a series, show or creator who makes you laugh and share with friends and family
  • Try to approach life with a sense of humour, finding the fun in everyday situations and even times that may have previously been overwhelming or negative, try to see the funny side
  • Group laughter – activities like laughing yoga or comedy nights are great ways to increase the social and emotional benefits of laughter

Beginner’s Mind

A beginner’s mind is a concept rooted in Zen Buddhism. Put simply, it describes an attitude of openness: living free from preconceptions and allowing curiosity to flourish.

A few ways to embrace your beginner’s mind:

  • Embrace curiosity over certainty. Instead of jumping straight to the answer, take time to ask questions and explore the possibilities.
  • Let go of prejudgments. Rather than limiting your perspective, approach situations and people with fresh eyes, you never know how you’ll see something if you can drop your preconceptions.
  • Welcome humility. By acknowledging that there’s always more to learn you allow more space for personal growth and deepening your understanding of the world around you.
  • Focus on the journey and not the destination. When a child runs across the beach they take time and deviate from the quickest route to take in their surroundings, investigate and explore new things, allow yourself to do the same in daily life. Whether this means taking the long way home or taking time during the day to embrace the world around you.

    Rather than making unattainable resolutions this New Year, why not focus on making small changes to prioritise your overall wellbeing.